Burial Talismans ZINE - Bebhinn Eilish


Bebhinn is an Irish Visual Artist based in Wicklow, Ireland. She holds a BA in Visual Communications and primarily works as a painter. Storytelling, particularly the re/telling of the female story is an important aspect of her work. She draws from heritage, fables, Irish mythology and herstory through which she interrogates the power of women, their internal and external struggles. Bebhinns art process serves as a conduit through which universal cultural taboos around grief and the female body can be played with.

'Burial Talismans' is a summary of Bebhinns creative practice and her influences - Symbols of grief are shown through the suggested form of the coffin/burial tomb, and the Talismans found inside. Taboos surrounding the female body such as body hair. Irish mythology represented through the spiral 'stone carving' of the tomb, the Sheela na gig stance of the bodies, and the Talismans inspired by ancient Irish artifacts. This Zine is a pocket sized visual metaphor for the grief, resilience, and pride the artist carries with them.

bebhinneilish.com / @bebhinn_eilish

COLOURS: Black, Yellow, Aqua, Blue, Fluorescent Pink

Print size: A6 folds out to A3 poster

This print is sold unframed securely packaged.
Please note colours may vary between computer screens.